Jubilee of Teenagers/Adolescents/Youth: 25 – 27 April 2025

Date of approval

Pope Francis approved the canonization of Acutis on July 1, 2024, after a second miracle attributed to Acutis was confirmed in May 2024. 


The canonization will take place during the Catholic Church’s Jubilee of Teenagers, which runs from April 25–27, 2025. 

Who is Carlo Acutis?
Acutis was a web designer who died of leukemia in Italy in 2006 at the age of 15. He is known as the “patron saint of the internet” for his work creating a website to catalog Eucharistic miracles.

For registration to attend: https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en/pellegrinaggio/calendario-giubileo/GrandiEventi/Giubileo-degli-Adolescenti.html

