Deeper Listening to the Stories and Experiences of Young Adults in Kenya and in the USA in Evolving a Synodal Catholic Church

By Alloys Nyakundi and Joe Healey

NOTE: We are combining the “See” in the “See-Discern-Act”[i] Reflection Process and deeper listening in the Synodal Process as we walk together.

  1. One minute of silence as we listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us today.
  2. 20 minutes: Alloys: “The Stories and Experiences of Young Adults in Kenya Today.”

a) Introduction:

[i] One of the main learnings of the worldwide 2021-2024 Synodal Process is that “one size does not fit all” and “the local context is very important, even essential.” Some examples:

  1. We used to say that “the local context is King” and later “the local context is King and Queen.” But these are not synodal words, they are power words, hierarchical words.
  2. “Discern” or “judge” as the second step of the Pastoral Theological Reflection Process. Depends on where you are.
  3. Different meanings of Youth/Young People/Young Adults/Young Professionals. The age range varies where you are living.
  4. Different responses in different continents to LGBTQ+.
  5. Different forms of the Deaconate……………Read More>>>>>>>>>>





