Checklist of 14 Common Activities in Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Africa Today

A key factor is that Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Africa are not just a program or a project, but a way of life. In Swahili we have the dynamic expression jumuiya ni maisha, siyo kazi. Based on new experiences and data we continue to update this "Checklist List of 14 Common Activities in Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Africa Today." In SCC meetings, workshops and seminars we ask: How many of the following activities are part of the life of your SCC? How many of these activities have you actually participated in?

  1. Informal gathering/meeting of a SCC.
  2. SCC as a Prayer Group only (without the Bible being used). This may include the Morning and Evening Prayers, the Rosary, Novenas and other devotional prayers and practices.
  3. SCC as a Bible Sharing/Bible Reflection/Bible–Daily Life Connections Group. Starting with the Bible.
  4. SCC as a Daily Life–Bible Connections Group. Starting with special themes and topics as well as our experiences and events of daily life. Using SEE-JUDGE-ACT.
  5. SCC as a Special Group for Faith Sharing, Formation, Study (Bible, Creed, the Sacraments, a Catholic Church Document, a Religious Book, etc.), Counselling, etc.
  6. Pastoral or Business Meeting of a SCC.
  7. Practical action/service and social, pastoral and mission outreach. Includes justice and peace actions, different types of evangelization (first or primary evangelization, new evangelization, re-evangelization) and the mission focus of a SCC.
  8. Projects of a SCC such as self-reliance projects (self-generating activities) and fund-raisers.
  9. SCC is responsible for assisting in the Sunday Mass in the parish, sub-parish or out-station on a rotation basis. Cleaning the church, supplying the readers, taking the collection, bringing up the gifts at the Offertory including a special collection/donation from the SCC members for the self-reliance of the parish. Sometimes SCC members especially the youth participate in the small plays or dramas/role plays that take place during mass.
  10. Sacraments such as Eucharist, Baptism, Reconciliation and Marriage celebrated in a SCC. SCC Mass or Jumuiya Mass including a Shared Homily. Communion (a designated Eucharist Minister covers a group of SCCs) is brought to sick members in the SCC.
  11. Celebration in a SCC (food and drink, meals, entertainment, singing, dancing, storytelling, plays and other cultural activities, etc.). Some parishes have an Annual SCC Day.
  12. Regular meetings of SCC leaders and animators.
  13. Training and formation workshops/seminars of SCC leaders and animators.
  14. Retreats/Spiritual Renewal and Recollection Days/Pilgrimages of a SCC.

 NOTE: More information is available on the:

Small Christian Communities Global Collaborative Website and “Facebook Page”


Updated 9 January, 2012

Father Joseph Healey, M.M is a Maryknoll missionary priest who teaches a course on "Small Christian Communities as a New Model of Church in Africa Today" at Hekima College (Jesuit School of Theology) and at Tangaza College (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya. He animates Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Eastern Africa. He is a member of the St. Kizito Small Christian Community in Nairobi. He is the co-editor of Small Christian Communities Today: Capturing the New Moment. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2005 and Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2006.


Rev. Joseph Healey, M.M
Maryknoll Society
P.O. Box 43058
00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Telkom Orange Wireless: 057-2522977
