Daily Meditations and Group Sessions on Catholic Social Teaching for Fall, 2009 (11 October to 21 November).

Your Kingdom Come: a book of 42 daily meditations and 6 group sessions on the theme of Catholic Social Teaching produced by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster, England for Fall, 2009. The Diocese of Westminster, England ran the RENEW program 4 years ago. Since then the Agency for Evangelisation has been publishing materials for people who continue to meet to share their faith and experiences centred on Scriptural meditation. This latest offering is on Catholic Social Teaching through the prism of the Lord’s Prayer. This book, though linked to a particular faith-sharing season, is written to be useful all the year round . For the whole book online go to: http://issuu.com/exploringfaith/docs/your_kingdom_come.

 For more information contact:

Mark Nash
Team Member (Small Communities)
Agency for Evangelisation
Vaughan House
46 Francis Street
SW1P 1QN England  

Telephone:   020 7931 6043

Website: http://www.rcdow.org.uk/evangelisation
